Thursday, May 22, 2014

CCBW: Brew Steel

Our Brew Steel event tomorrow night is kind of like a Grand Finale to our Chicago Craft Beer Week programming. We’ve turned over 5 lines each to Solemn Oath, Penrose and Perennial ales. And the fireworks really happen when Chef Adam Wendt pairs one brew from each brewery with an awesome dish.

And our collaboration with Solemn Oath + Emporium, ‘Goth Syrup,’ is still our $4 CCBW pour. What we mean is, join us on Friday, May 23rd and cheers to a totally awesome 2014 edition of Craft Beer Week. Then join us next week, and the week after. Because it’s always Craft Beer Week at Bangers & Lace.

Friday, May 23rd
More than just being ridiculously really really goodlooking, these guys also make handsome beers.

and ... $4 Pour of Goth Syrup
A Solemn Oath + Bangers & Lace + Emporium collaboration
SOB’s ‘None More Black’ Black Farmhouse Ale with Intelligentsia Zirikana Rwanda Coffee!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Where Every Week Is Craft Beer Week

Here at Bangers & Lace, we live every week like it’s Craft Beer Week, which is why we host awesome events with all kinds of breweries and stock incredible and unique beers all the time. And then every year or so, it really is Chicago Craft Beer Week!

So here’s what we’ve got in store for you this time around — and we’re just going to get some our most exciting news out of the way, because it’s too hard to just sit still here till you read all the way to the end. Prepare to get stoked on this: Our collaborative effort with Solemn Oath + Emporium, Goth Syrup, makes its debut this week, and it’s a truly magnificent beast of a beer.

Sunday, May 18th
A Barrel-Aged Showdown
Bourbon Country Stouts & Funky Sours
with Brewmaster Brett Porter

Wednesday, May 21st
We’ve got East Coast IPAs, so think Maine Beer Co, Victory, Smuttynose, Thornbridge and more! Please visit Small Bar Division for your West Coast IPAs needs, and catch up with a sandwich and a Midwest IPA at Jerry’s.

Friday, May 23rd
More than just being ridiculously really really goodlooking, these guys also make handsome beers.

and ... $4 Pour of Goth Syrup
A Solemn Oath + Bangers & Lace + Emporium collaboration
SOB’s ‘None More Black’ Black Farmhouse Ale with Intelligentsia Zirikana Rwanda Coffee!